
Kamil Maleček, Dagmar Szarková:  A Method for Creating Ruled Surfaces and its Modifications

Kamil Maleček
Dagmar Szarková

A Method for Creating Ruled Surfaces
and its Modifications

A Method for Creating Ruled Surfaces and its Modifications


The paper presents a non-traditional method for defining ruled surfaces. This method enables a simple construction of the ruled surfaces generating lines, not only with the classical means, but first of all with a computer. The method for defining and constructing known surfaces and also modelling of new surfaces is described here. The introduced mathematical description enables creation of the interactive modelling of surfaces by using a computer and very quick surface design and projection of its arbitrary segments. The pictures are presenting the graphical output from a computer.

Keywords: developable surface, ruled surface, skew surface


Metoda stvaranja prav!castih ploha i njihovih modifikacija


U !clanku je dana netradicionalna metoda za definiranje prav!castih ploha.Ta metoda omogu´cuje jednostavnu konstrukciju izvodnica prav!caste plohe prvenstveno pomo´cu ra!cunala, a ne samo u klasi!cnom smislu. Opisana je metoda za definiranje i konstrukciju poznatih ploha, ali i za modeliranje novih. Uvedeni matemati!cki opis omogu´cuje stvaranje interaktivnog modeliranja ploha pomo´cu ra!cunala i vrlo brzi dizajn plohe te projekcije njezinih odabranih dijelova. Slike prikazuju ra!cunalne grafi!cke izlaze.

Ključne riječi: prav!caste plohe, razvojne plohe, vitopere plohe

MSC 2000: 65D17, 51N05, 51N20


1. Definition of ruled surface and construction of generating lines

We will work in the Euclidean space E3 and in the vector space V(E3) with the Cartesian coordinates system <O,x1,x2,x3 >.

Let these vector functions be set:


Let the real functions f and g in (1) be continuous and differentiable on the intervals I1 and I2. These intervals can contain many points for which derivative of the functions f and g are improper. Vector functions (1) describe curves k1podmnozinyx1x3 and k2podmnozinyx2x3 . We assume that these curves kand  k2 are not intersected (Fig.1). 

Fig. 1.

 Let the curve m be defined by the vector function (2) in the plane x1x2


where for any tlezi I is x(t)incident I1, y(t)incident I2 and derivace is a non-zero vector.

Now, we will construct the generating line p in this way (Fig. 1):

a)   We choose a point M on the curve m and mark its orthogonal projections to the axes x1 and x2 as K1 and L1.

b)   Points K and L are points located on curves k1 and k2 respectively, while K1 and L1 are their orthogonal projections to the plane x1x2 .

c)   Line p = KL.

Line p is a generating line of the ruled surface fi  and with this method we would construct next generating lines of the surface fi .


2. Parametric representation of the ruled surface fi .

We obtain the coordinates of points K and L with the substitution (2) to (1). Then

K=[x(t), 0, F(t)]   and   L[0, y(t), G(t)],

where F(t) = f(x(t))  and G(t)=g(y(t)) .

Let the generating line p be defined for example by the centre

Stred S

of the line segment KL and by the direction vector

(3)          (3)

Then the ruled surface fi has the following parametric representation

(4)          (4)


Example 1: The Surface of an elliptic movement

The vector functions (1) are

(5)          (5)

where q1 and q2 are non-zero constants from R , q1non incident q2.

Curves k1 and k2 are lines, k1 || x1 and k2 || x2. Let the curve m become a circle defined by the vector function

(6)          (6)

The surface fi defined in this way has the following parametric representation according to equation (4)

(7)          (7)

In Fig. 2a are shown curves k1, k2 and m are shown. In Fig. 2b is shown a surface segment, which is called the surface of an elliptic movement is shown.


3. The Section of the surface  by the plane x1x2

 If the curve k3 is the section of the surface  by the plane x1x2 (x3 = 0), then we get its parametric representation from (4)

(8)           (8)

 If for any t lezi  I is

(9)          G(t) = F(t), 

then the corresponding generating line p || x1x2 and its intersection point with the plane x1x2 is a point at infinity.

The section of the surface fi of elliptic movement by the plane x1x2 (from the example 1 according to (8)) has the following parametric representation

(10)           (10)

This section is the ellipse k3 with the centre in the origin of the coordinate system, values of the semiaxes are

semiaxes and semiaxes .

In the case, when the equation (9) expresses identity for the interval I , then all generating lines of the surface fi  are parallel to the plane x1x2 and the section of the surface by the plane x1x2 cannot be described by equations (8).

 If we choose the vector functions (1) as

(11)          (11)

and the curve m is a line parametrized by the vector function

(12)           x(t) = (t, t, 0) ,   t lezi R ,

then F(t) = G(t) = f(t).

The ruled surface  has the following parametric representation according to (4):

(13)          (13)

and it is a cylindrical surface. Its generating lines are parallel to the plane x1x2. The curves k1 and k2 are congruent. Revolving the curve k1 about axis x3 by the angle 90° we would get the curve k2 .

The section k3 of the cylindrical surface (13) by the plane x1x2 is composed from the surface generating lines. Their number is equal to the number of common points of the curve k1 and the axis x1 .


Example 2: Circular cylindrical surface

Curves k1 and k2 are semicircles with centres S1incidentx1 , S2incidentx2 , with the same radius r and |OS1| = |OS1| = p. The semicircles are parametrized by the vector functions


The surface fi is a half of the circular cylindrical surface, which has the following parametric representation according to (13)

(14)           (14)

Fig. 3a illustrates curves k1, k2 , m, and the section of the surface by the plane x1x2 which is created by lines l1and l2 . In Fig. 3b the segment of the circular cylindrical surface is shown.



4. Developable and skew surfaces fi

The generating line of the surface fi is defined by choice of the parameter t incident I. When we substitute the parametric representation (2) of the curve m to the vector functions (1) and differentiate the vector functions (1) according to argument t, then we get:


These vector functions for chosen t incident I are defining the direction vectors of tangent lines of curves k1 and k2. To make the generating line of the surface fi  torsal, vectors y1'(t) , y2'(t) and (3) must be linearly dependent. From this condition we get equation:

(15)          (15).   

If the equation (15) is identity on the interval I, the surface fi  is created by torsal lines only, and it is a developable surface. If the equation (15) is not identity, the surface fi  is a skew surface, on which torsal generating lines can exist.

The equation (15) of the surface of an elliptic movement has the form:


Then the lines for parameters t = 0,  pi/2,  pi,  3pi/2  are torsal lines located in the planes x1x3 and x2x3.

In the case, when the cylindrical surface has the parametric presentation (13) we can simply verify that the equation (15) is an identity and the cylindrical surface will be a developable surface. The intersection points K1 and L1 of the line l1 with the semicircles k1 and k2 from the example 2 (Fig. 3a) are examples of points in which derivative of the functions f and g is improper. The tangent lines of the curve k1 and k2 in the points K1 and L1 are parallel with the axis x3. Analogously for the line l2 .


5. Continuity between the surfaces φ and skew surfaces

Continuity between the mentioned ruled surfaces fi and skew surfaces, which are defined by three basic curves, is clearly seen on the surface of an elliptic movement. If the section of the surface fi by plane x1x2 is the curve k3, then it is possible to define the surface fi by basic curves k1, k2 and k3. The generating lines of the surface fi are lines intersecting the basic curves.


6. Envelope of orthographic views of the ruled surface generating lines in the plane x1x2

Generating lines of the ruled surface are orthogonally projected to the plane x1x2, and parametric representation of these orthographic views can be given by the first two equations in (4) without the parameter u:

(16)          (16)

The equation (16) is the equation of a one-parametric line system and its envelope can be found by differentiating of the equation (16) according to parameter t:

(17)           (17)

and from the equations (16) and (17) we get:

(18)          (18)

If an envelope exists and it is a curve marked as m’, then the equations (18) are its parametric representation. The points, for which x(t)y'(t)-x'(t)y(t)=0, do not have to be necessarily troublesome points. This problem will be not investigated here.

The envelope m’ depends only on the curve m, what is evident from the equations (18) and the geometric view, too.

If the curve m is a circle parametrized by function (6), then according to (18), the envelope m’ has the parametric representation:

(19)          (19)

the curve m’  is an asteroid (Fig. 4a).

Fig. 4a.
Fig. 4b.


Orthographic views of the cylindrical surface generating lines (example 2) in the plane x1x2 are examples for the one-parametric system of lines, which has not any envelope.


7. Modification of the method for creation of ruled surfaces

The idea described above allows us to define and create ruled surfaces by a method, which we could call dual for defining and creating the surfaces fi . The surface is defined by the curves k1 and k2 , which are parametrized by functions (1). Let the curve m’ be without singular points in the plane x1x2 . Tangent lines of the curve m’ create a one-parametric system of lines. Let K1 and L1 be intersections of one tangent line (which is intersecting line with the axes x1 and x2 too) of the one-parametric system with the axis x1 and x2. We can construct the surface generating line p by means of points K1 and L1 with the same method as in the introduction (see Fig. 1).


Example 3: Let the surface fi be defined by curves k1k2 , which are parametrized by vector functions (5) and the curve m’ incident x1x2  that is a parabola expressed by parametric representation

Example 1.

 The vector function

(20)           (20)

of parameter v describes the system of tangent lines to the parabola m’  for any value of parameter t incident R (Fig. 4b).

The intersections of tangent lines with axes x1 and x2 are the points K1 and L  with the following coordinates

(21)          (20)

The coordinates of the points K  and L are

point K and L.

The surface parametric representation according to (4) has the following form

(22)           (22)

The set of points M, which are projected orthogonally to the points K1 and L1 on the axes x1 and x2 can be  parameterized according to (21) by the function


which is the generatrix of the ruled surface constructed by the method described in the first part.



The both modifications of the presented method are illustrated in Fig. 4b showing the construction of the surface fi projected orthogonally to the plane x1x2, and in Fig 4a, where the orthogonal projection of the construction of the surface determined by circle m and asteroid can be seen. Description of the surface fi construction is shown in Fig.5a. A segment of the surface is shown in Fig. 5b.

The section of the surface fi by the plane x1x2 has the following parametric representation according to (8)

Examle 3,

the curve k3 is parabola.

 The equation (15) has the form


and therefore the surface has only one torsal basic line correspondent to the parameter t = 0.

Now we will show some examples of the surfaces fi .


Example 4: Conical surface

The vector functions (1) are

Example 4 

The curve k1 is a line, the curve k2 is a parabola. Let the curve m be a line parallel to the axis x2 , which is defined by the vector function

(23)          x(t) = (kt, 0),   t incident Rk is a nonzero constant from R (Fig. 6a).

The surface fi  has the following parametric representation according to (4)


Examples 4

It is evident that the surface fi is a conical surface with a vertex in the point K, so this surface is developable. In this case the equation (15) is an identity, because in the vector function (23) is x'(t) = 0 for all incident R. The segment of the surface is illustrated in Fig. 6b.

We could construct generating lines by means of a one-parametric system of lines in the plane x1x2, too. In this case, the system of lines would be a pencil of lines with the centre in the point K1 (without the line m). The line p1 is one line from the pencil of lines (see Fig.6a). This is nothing new for us, it is a classical construction of conical surface generating lines.


Example 5: Frezier’s cylindroid

The vector functions (1) are

 The curves k1 and k2 are semicircles as in the example 2 for the cylindrical surface, but the circle k2 is translated by the translation vector (0, 0, q). The curve m is a line defined by the vector function (12), Fig. 7a.

 This surface is so called Frezier’s cylindroid and its segment is shown in Fig.7b. The surface is a skew surface, which has two torsal generating lines. The equation (15) has the form

Examples 5

and this is fulfilled only for the points t=+-r , in which derivative of the functions f and g is improper. Orthographic views of torsal lines in the plane x1x2 are the lines l1 and l2 (Fig. 7a).



It is possible to construct cylindroid generating lines analogously using the one-parametric system of lines as at a conical surface. It this case the system of lines is parallel to the line l1.

At the end of this paper there are illustrated two complicated surfaces (see Figs 8 and 9).

The segment of the surface demonstrated in Fig. 8 is defined by curves k1, k2 and m, where the curve k1 is Witch of Agnési, k2 is a parabola and the curve m is an epicycloid. In Fig. 9 is a segment of the surface for which the curve k1 is Witch of Agnési, the curve k2 is a parabola and the curve m is a circle with its centre in the origin.

Fig. 8. 
Fig. 9.


RNDr. Kamil Maleček

Department of Mathematics 

Civil Engineering Faculty

Czech Technical University

Thákurova 7, 166 29 Praha 6, Czech republic

tel: +4202 2435 4384

e-mail: kamil@mat.fsv.cvut.cz

RNDr. Dagmar Szarková

Department of Mathematics 

Mechanical Engineering Faculty

Slovak Technical University

Námestie Slobody 17, 812 31 Bratislava, Slovakia 

tel: +4217 57296 394, fax: +4217 52926626

e-mail: szarkova@sjf.stuba.sk